Take care of yourself to take care of them…
Last Sunday I ran in the Mother’s Day 5k for Haven. It was a fantastic course and a lot of fun. I do wish I would have been able to run more than 12 minutes of it, but I am sticking to the Physical Therapist’s advice and taking things slow. It was great...Lions, Tigers, Teddy Grahams, Oh My!
Back in September I joined the 20lb Challenge and it changed my life. I lost 20lbs and began to crave exercise. I actually can honestly say, “I love to exercise!” Minus abs, I hate ab work! My weight loss was going great and I was hoping to lose...Back to Basics…
Today I started logging my food on mynetdiary.com again. I found this tool to be very useful during the first 20lb Challenge I did last fall. I have talked to a few other successful participants and logging food was a main component of their weight loss success. I...Ridge Inspirations
Do you have an inspiring story? Share it with us. Download the form at https://ridgeathletic.com/ridge-inspirations
Zumbathon for ALS!
Thanks to everyone who came out for the Zumbathon on Friday! It was a huge success and we raised money for a great cause, not to mentioned blasted away a ton of calories!