by Drew | Apr 4, 2011 | General, Personal Training, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
Need a little inspiration? Join Colleen O’Quinn as she makes a commitment to her health by getting started at The Ridge Athletic Club! She’ll be blogging about her progress, struggles, and life here. Follow her journey; we can all relate to her story....
by Drew | Feb 26, 2011 | Fitness Tip of the Week, General, Nutrition, Overall Health, Personal Training, Weight Loss
It was to my surprise when an athletic student in my group fitness class asked last week how to get rid of her “trouble spots” while pinching her waist. She exercises regularly and enthusiastically, is in great health and appears to be in the normal range...
by Drew | Feb 7, 2011 | Uncategorized, Weight Loss
Check out KZBK News Anchor Jessica Hoppe’s Weight Loss Journey as she blogs about her weight loss in the public eye. She’ll also be posting training tips from Ridge Personal Trainers and nutrition tips from Bozeman Deaconness. Jessica is an on-air news...
by Drew | Feb 3, 2011 | Fitness Tip of the Week, Overall Health, Personal Training, Strength Training, The Resolution Solution, Uncategorized, Weight Loss
If you missed week 2 of the Resolution Solution, here’s what you missed… Should I do all cardio until I lose 10 pounds, and then tone? Should I do weights everyday? A lot of people starting on a workout program don’t know the main components of a...
by Drew | Jan 18, 2011 | Nutrition, Overall Health, Personal Training, Strength Training, The Resolution Solution, Weight Loss
Every year they come and go, you know who we’re talking about, the New Years Resolutioners. While their intentions are great and we want them so much to succeed, the truth is most of them don’t make it past February. Here at The Ridge, we want you all of...