Breaking Plateaus (In your Lifting)

We’ve all been there; started off with a great new program and feeling all of these positive changes in our bodies.  Fast forward several months later.  We find ourselves stuck in the same routine in the gym no longer noticing changes.  This isn’t an inherently bad...

Adolescents and Activity

In today’s electronic filled world it’s difficult to get most kids away from the television, computer, video games, and cell phones. Yet, it is vitally important for youths to get enough physical activity each day. For some parents this seems like a daunting task and...


When most people hear powerlifting they think of hulk like men yelling and slamming weights around in the gym. While there are those who fit that description there are also those who go about their workout quietly reaping its benefits. Powerlifting is a workout...

Get Moving and Stay Moving

It’s well known that regular physical activity can lead to many long-lasting health benefits. In fact, physical fitness is considered to be one of the most important markers to predict cardiovascular disease and mortality. What is physical fitness? Physical fitness...