by Drew | Dec 5, 2013 | Uncategorized
Author: Annie Barber, Ridge Personal Trainer and Precision Nutrition CoachAs the holidays are approaching and we scramble to finish last minute decorations, party planning, and stay sane, in the back of our minds we all hope to not gain those dreaded holiday pounds…I...
by Drew | Dec 4, 2013 | Nutrition, Recipes
I’m sure all of us have a little love hate relationship with bread. It’s not necessarily bad for you–it’s low in fat and depending on what type it is it gives you a dose of fiber and some whole grains. The issue with bread and most people is...
by Drew | Nov 17, 2013 | Uncategorized
Thanks to everyone for your hard work over the last eight weeks! For this week, aim to get 3 runs in of 20+ minute intervals with a 1 minute break for 30-40 minutes total. If you can go for 30-40 minutes without taking a break it’s even better! 2 days this...
by Drew | Nov 11, 2013 | Uncategorized
Hello! We are up to the last week of class already! This past week’s run outside was pretty dark, but if you are able, continue to run outside! It will only help you on race day! We have one more class together as a group, so if you are able to make it to class please...
by Drew | Nov 3, 2013 | Uncategorized
Great work everyone with our first real colder weather run! If you haven’t signed up for the race and are wanting to do it, it might be time to head over to the website and get registered. In the meantime keep sticking to the workout plan, we’re getting up to some...