Packed with antioxidants and phytoflavinoids, these berries are also high in potassium and vitamin C, making them the top choice of doctors and nutritionists. Not only can they lower your risk of heart disease and cancer, they are also anti-inflammatory.


All Organic
One cup = 80 Calories

Directions: Mix one cup blueberries with half teaspoon honey and one teaspoon cinnamon


US Agricultural Research Service:

  • Neutralize chemicals in the body that cause cell damage leading to cancer, disease, and the effects of aging
  • Slow declines in brain function related to Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s
  • Improve learning capacity and fine motor skills

*Studies based on consumption of 1/2 cup of blueberries per day

Cinnamon & Honey

  • Cardiac ailments: Lowers Cholesterol, eases loss of breath and stimulates normal heart rhythms
  • Relieves coughs, cold symptoms and sinus congestion
  • Alleviates stomach aches and helps heal ulcers
  • Aides in digestion, especially when consumed before meals
  • Gargle with cinnamon and honey for fresh breath all day
  • Has been shown to help in healing cancer found in stomach and bones even in advanced stages
  • Reinforces body’s resistance to bacteria and viruses overall, including the bladder, skin, and immune system
  • Aides in weight loss
  • Aides in regaining losses in hearing
  • Anti-aging/ Maintain supple skin/ Increase life-span: One spoon of cinnamon with four spoons of honey to three cups water – Boil together and drink 1/4 cup four times each day