My name is Christine.  I’m getting married in 7 6 weeks.  And I have a lot of work to do.
Join me on my journey as I slim down for the big day.

Happy Monday everyone, hope you all had a great weekend!  I just finished Ridge X–today was the start of a new module and it was a tough one today!  20 minutes of back to back rounds plus tabata bursts of cardio.  Jen must be reading my blog with a fine tooth comb because she kept repeating, “Get outside of your comfort zone!  That is where you get results!!!”  I heard her loud (she is loud) and clear, and I needed that today.

It’s not that I did horrible this weekend, but after a great first week, I think I got a little lenient on myself when it came to nutrition.  I did every workout I was supposed to last week and pushed hard, but I had a few candies, a couple slices of pizza, went out to dinner, etc.  I can say, however, that although the pizza/candy was not the most nutritionally dense food option I could have eaten, I still tracked my calories and managed to stay under or right at my calorie goal.  I stepped on the scale this morning to find myself once again lighter (Jon says he thinks that something is wrong with our scale…not reassuring fiancee!)

As I thought about my diet and exercise this weekend, I reflected on an old summer job I did selling books door to door for the Southwestern Company.  They stressed over and over, “Focus on your habits for success, not on the results.”  I had to remember this day in and day out, door slam after door slam, that if I just focused on presenting our product to 30 people a day, 2 out of those people would buy, and let me tell you, two sales a day was a great paycheck at the end of the summer!  If I simply focused on the fact that the first 20 people that day didn’t buy, and quit, then I never would have gotten to those 2 sales.  This has been a great lesson that I’ve used in all areas of my life, and it’s definitely true when it comes to weight loss.  If you just focus on the number on the scale, you may get discouraged on day 3 of the week when you haven’t lost a pound.  If you focus on your daily habits, doing the workouts, eating the right foods, you will be successful in the end–the scale just might be waiting until day 6 to tell you 🙂

ImageWorkouts aside, I am getting very excited as the wedding gets closer!  I went thrift store shopping this weekend with my friend Emily, did some crafting and centerpiece arranging, and I’m feeling like it’s all coming together.  I also got my shoes for my dress (super cute!), and I’m going in for another dress fitting tomorrow.  It’s funny because no matter how small and intimate we are trying to make this, there are still so many details to take care of.  I thought I was going to have a carefree, simple Vegas wedding, but I’ve come to realize some of the little things make a big difference.  Thanks for all of the comments and support you guys have given me, it keeps me energized!  Until next time…