As summer continues to settle into Bozeman the urge to enjoy the nice weather will increase. This will inevitably take away some of the time you spend in the gym going about your workout routine. Some may think this is a bad thing but it can be quite the opposite if you are intentional about it. The outdoors provide one of the best training grounds in the world. The best part about it is that you get to enjoy the sun, mountains, and rolling fields while you’re outside. The possibilities for exercise are endless and many outdoor activities such as hiking and rock climbing provide workouts in themselves. Just like workout in the gym, you should start out slow. Do not try and go for a 20 mile hike your first time out. Scale it back and start small. Hike the “M”, Drinking Horse, or another short hike to ease your body into it. After finding your ability level, then attempt some longer adventures. Even though the outdoors are a great place to exercise, it is still important to come to the gym and exercise in ways that the outdoors cannot provide. Lift some weights, get involved in a class, and on those rainy days do some cardio. However you decide to spend your exercising hours this summer enjoy the beautiful weather and the outdoors. Before long it will be cold again and you will be wishing that you had.


About the Author
Logan Gregg has a Bachelor’s Degree in Kinesiology and is an ACE Certified Personal Trainer at the Ridge Athletic Clubs.