The Ridge Blog

Keep an eye out for new events and helpful information!

Body Attack Tip…Work Hard

Some things we (instructors) want students to remember: Work hard. One way to do this without jumping is to keep your arms strong all the time. Make your arm movements deliberate and big: use full range of motion and listen to the cues given about what and when....

Kate Murphy’s Top 5 Exercise/Nutrition Q & A’s:

Q: Which cardio machine burns the most calories? A: Stair mill (revolving stairs). Q: Which body weight exercise burns the most calories? A: Burpies (plank, push up, squat-jump…repeat). Q: Are calories all that count/matter when it comes to losing weight? A: No!... has had a makeover!

Exciting news guys...The Ridge Athletic Clubs' website has gotten a makeover!  We've put a lot of thought and time into making it informative, user-friendly, visually appealing, and interactive for our members.  Some of our favorite elements of the website--The...

Fitness Tip of the Week 4/8/10: Track your food and exercise

Track your food and exercise. Keeping a food log is one of the best ways to manage your diet and nutrition, but who wants to go around carrying a notebook and writing down everything they eat all the time?  If you're like me, you get a booklet and end up writing down...

Sean’s Supplement Tips

My top tips and secrets about shakes and supplements. Read on... 1. Great Harvest has quality protein in bulk, cheaper than anywhere else.   Support local! 2. The only 4 supplements you need for muscle-building: multi-vitamin protein - before bed, post workout, &...

Fitness Tip of the Week

Hit the weights ladies. You will not “bulk up.” Women don’t naturally have enough testosterone to build the bulk.

On Training with Girls…

I’ve only been at this job for a few months now but it only took a few days to see that when setting people up with their free training sessions, guys are a bit more hesitant to train with the opposite sex than the gals are. I will admit I am no exception, wait…let me...

Member of the Month: Stacy Smith!

What one piece of advice would you give to newcomers starting at The Ridge?
I know it sounds cliché, but never give up on yourself! You will be amazed at what you are capable of. I know I came to the Ridge looking to find my old self, and with the help, care, and support of all the trainers and staff, I found a completely new me, and for that I am eternally grateful! You can’t fail if you have the will power and time with a trainer at the Ridge!

Get In Touch

Please feel free to stop by or contact us for more information or to schedule a tour.