What Constitutes A Family Or A Couple Membership?
To qualify for a couple membership, the two people must live together and provide documentation proving shared finances. To be eligible for a family membership, dependents must be 23 years of age or under.
Are There Times When There Are No Children In The Pool?
Yes, we have adult only hours: Monday-Thursday 5:15-9:00 am 11:30-1:30 pm 5:00-7:00 pm Friday 5:15-9:00 am 11:30-1:30 pm
When Can I do an Intro Yoga Class
We offer intro classes for Yoga once a month! Intro to Yoga happens every second Saturday of the month at 10:15 am. Please remember to bring a mat for class.
My Path to Fitness
Author: Guest Blogger & Ridge Member Kimberly E. Like many, I have struggled with my weight. I have been overweight most of my adult life. In 2005 I attended the wedding of friends. This is a picture from that wedding. At that time I was at my heaviest, 225/230 on...
Fitness Matters | Fitting in Fitness!
With fall approaching and school-related schedules resuming, our schedules tend to get very busy very quickly. As a result, one of the first items that tend to take the back seat is “us.” We get busy and either reduce or completely disregard time for ourselves. For...
Fitness Matters | Get Stronger, Run Better!
Proper training for running can present many challenges, especially when athletes desire to run faster and avoid injuries. Many athletes run with a laser-like focus on mileage or training volume only to find themselves injured or stuck at a plateau during their...
Accountability is a Drag
Remember when smoking in restaurants was completely acceptable? Eighteen years ago, I bartended and waited tables at a Big Sky restaurant and considered being able to smoke while I worked a perk (yes, me, the Health Coach). Today, many people would see a waitress...
Sweating for the Honeymoon | Week 1
Hi Everyone! I'm baaaaaack! I'm excited to say I had an amaaaazing time at our wedding last month and I've taken a few weeks off from Jen's intense routine to just relax.... Well with all that relaxation came a more relaxed waistline, so I'm ready to get back after...
Deconstructing Cravings
What do you crave? Sugar, caffeine, alcohol? Indulging in any of these can provide a quick fix to feel at ease, engaged or excited. They light up the “reward centers” in the brain by releasing dopamine, according to Dr. Robert Cloninger, a geneticist and psychiatrist...