Clete Linebarger
Clete Linebarger is a chiropractor whose practice is located in The Ridge Athletic Club on Fallon. He’s also an instructor at The Ridge and teaches a class that appeals to people from 18-88 years old. He appreciates that The Ridge has a variety of activities so that anyone can find the type of activity they need to stay fit.

Stephani Gunselman
Stephani Gunselman joined The Ridge 2 years ago. Kurt, her trainer would be her sounding board when she needed motivation or when she was feeling down on herself. Since becoming a member she’s lost 120 pounds and she started to love who she is and the new person she’s becoming.

Elaine Hense
Elaine Hense has been a member of The Ridge Athletic Clubs for over 20 years. She works out 3-4 times a week and enjoys a variety of equipment and classes, including their spin classes. She appreciates the sense of community she’s found and working out with friends.